Blackberry Apps

Really Useful Apps are BlackBerry app developers

Blackberry Apps are developed using the RIM platform, which itself is a plaftorm offered by Research In Motion Limited, ultimate owner of the Blackberry brand.

For many years Blackberry was the leading smart phone brand in many markets, and was one of the first brands used widely to access email on the move, a key early driver of smartphone adoption.

In recent years iPhone and Android have become the leading operating systems, now accounting for two thirds to 90% of the smartphone market between them (varying by market), but Blackberry still remains a well known brand, with many millions of smartphone handsets in use, although its market share is now in the low single digits (3% to 5% depending 0n the market).

Blackberry is fighting back against the dominance of Android and Apple, with some interesting new devices being launched this year, and it will be interesting to see its sales and market share performance over the next year or so.

Whether an app should be developed for Blackberry really does depend on budget and the nature of the app. Some clients want maximum market share, and develop for all the four main platforms even though the return on investment will be lower on the platforms with the lower market shares. It’s also important to consider demographics, because some types of app could be relevant to the audience using a particular operating system.

A propery thought out mobile strategy always considers the various development options, even if to consciously dismiss some of them, and Really Useful Apps helps our clients to make these important decisions, based on the latest market data and information.